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    Request For Quote Plugin

    One of the main obstacles of an online shop is the impossibility of negotiation "Request for Quote" plugin empowers you to establish a negotiation channel with your customers. supported nopCommerce versions: 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30

    nopCommerce Request for quote plugin


    One of the main obstacles of an online shop is the impossibility of negotiation between potential customers and the shop owner. Abandoned carts are a consequence of this fact. Because some customers need to get in touch with the shop admin to discuss the options they want.

    "Request for Quote" plugin empowers you to establish a negotiation channel with your customers.

    This plugin works by letting customers request a quote for a product. On the other side, the shop admin can see a detailed list of all requests and answer them. This discussion can continue to reach an agreement.

    It is the way that lets you convert your potential customers to loyal customers, which otherwise is difficult to achieve in online shops.



    •        Select the position of the "Request for Quote" button on the product page
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on specific products
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on products of specific categories
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on products of specific manufacturers
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only to specific customers
    •        Customize the text of the "Request for Quote" button
    •        Customize the items of the "Request for Quote" form
    •        Send an email to the customer for each answer from the shop admin
    •        Send an email to the shop admin for each new request
    •        Schedule the display duration for a specific time
    •        Export all requests to excel



    •        Customer mapping based on regular expression matching
    •        Multi-Store supporting
    •        Adding unlimited items to a Request for Quote form such as dropdown list, radio list, checkboxes, textbox, date picker, and file upload


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    nopCommerce Request for quote plugin


    One of the main obstacles of an online shop is the impossibility of negotiation between potential customers and the shop owner. Abandoned carts are a consequence of this fact. Because some customers need to get in touch with the shop admin to discuss the options they want.

    "Request for Quote" plugin empowers you to establish a negotiation channel with your customers.

    This plugin works by letting customers request a quote for a product. On the other side, the shop admin can see a detailed list of all requests and answer them. This discussion can continue to reach an agreement.

    It is the way that lets you convert your potential customers to loyal customers, which otherwise is difficult to achieve in online shops.



    •        Select the position of the "Request for Quote" button on the product page
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on specific products
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on products of specific categories
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only on products of specific manufacturers
    •        Display the "Request for Quote" button only to specific customers
    •        Customize the text of the "Request for Quote" button
    •        Customize the items of the "Request for Quote" form
    •        Send an email to the customer for each answer from the shop admin
    •        Send an email to the shop admin for each new request
    •        Schedule the display duration for a specific time
    •        Export all requests to excel



    •        Customer mapping based on regular expression matching
    •        Multi-Store supporting
    •        Adding unlimited items to a Request for Quote form such as dropdown list, radio list, checkboxes, textbox, date picker, and file upload
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    شما هم به جمع 2596 نفر از مدیران موفق که از اینترنت درآمد کسب کرده اند بپیوندید.